Training for Florida condominium board members is now mandatory

A recent statutory amendment substantially changed the training and certification requirements for those serving on the board of a Florida residential condominium association. The new board member training requirement, which was optional, is now mandatory. And, instead of completing a single training session, board members must now satisfy annual continuing education requirements. These changes, which became effective July 1, 2024, are significant because a director of a residential condominium association who fails to timely comply with Florida’s amended certification and training requirements will be suspended from service on the board.

Prior to July 1, 2024, newly elected or appointed directors of a residential condominium association had 90 days to certify, in writing, that they:

  • have read the association’s declaration of condominium, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and current written policies;
  • will work to uphold such documents and policies to the best of their ability; and
  • will faithfully discharge their fiduciary responsibility to the association’s members.

Instead of providing this written certification to the secretary of the association, board members previously had the option of completing a division-approved educational curriculum. This alternative method of compliance, however, is no longer available to board members. Under the amended statute, board members must submit both the written certification and a certificate of completing the mandatory educational curriculum.

Though the certification requirement has not materially changed, the training requirement has. The training may still be provided by the division or a division-approved condominium education provider, but the training content must comply with new statutory requirements. Under the amended statute, the educational curriculum must be at least 4 hours long and include instruction on milestone inspections, structural integrity reserve studies, elections, recordkeeping, financial literacy and transparency, levying of fines, and notice and meeting requirements.

The amended statute also includes a new continuing education requirement for board members. One year after submitting the most recent written certification and educational certificate, and annually thereafter, directors of residential condominium associations must submit to the association’s secretary a certificate of having satisfactorily completed at least one hour of continuing education relating to any recent changes to Florida’s Condominium Act or related administrative rules during the past year.

Additionally, under the amended statute:

  • Each newly elected or appointed director must submit their written certification and complete the required training within one year before being elected or appointed or 90 days after the date of election or appointment.
  • A director of residential condominium association who was elected or appointed before July 1, 2024, must comply with the written certification and educational certificate requirements by June 30, 2025.
  • The written certification and educational certificate are valid for 7 years after the date of issuance and do not have to be resubmitted as long as the director serves on the board without interruption during the 7-year period.
  • Each director’s written certification and educational certificate must be retained by the association for inspection by the members for 7 years after a director’s election or the duration of the director’s uninterrupted tenure, whichever is longer. Note that the failure to have such written certification and educational certificate on file does not affect the validity of any board action.

Remember, directors who fail to timely comply with the newly expanded certification and training requirements are suspended from service on the board until they achieve compliance. Board members must understand their certification and training requirements under the amended law to avoid potentially serious problems.

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