Condo Board Governance Training
The Human Equation has been designated an Approved Condominium Education Provider by the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. Our Condominium Training for New Board Members has been approved by the Division of Florida Condominiums to satisfy Florida’s statutory New Board Member Education training requirement.
Certificates of Completion must be provided to the Secretary of the Association so they can be retained and made available for inspection as required by law. (Note: Those taking the Directors and Officers Management Suite must provide Certificates of Completion for EVERY course in the suite.)
Qualify as a Board Member now by registering for your training here
Here are a few of our favorite things:
- Available online, 24/7
- Easy to Navigate
- Self-paced -- complete or pause training, at will
- Engaging with design elements and gamification that maximize learning
- Compatible with mobile devices